The Symbolism of Hair in Frozen and Frozen II and What Writers Can Learn From It
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The Symbolism of Hair in Frozen and Frozen II and What Writers Can Learn From It

Many authors tend to overly-rely on using hair color as the only descriptor for character hair. However, using hair style—something the character actually chooses—is a much more concrete way to set your characters apart and build up their characterization. In studying how Elsa’s hair contributes to her characterization, there are many things to be learned about using hair as a way to add more depth to your characters.

How 1917 Hid the Protagonist
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How 1917 Hid the Protagonist

1917 was one of my favorite films of 2019, and in my opinion, it deserves every award nomination—and every win—that it received. 1917 has been critically praised for its stunning cinematography, set design, and acting. Studying the story reveals several advanced storytelling techniques for writers. One particular technique is hiding who is your main character (or protagonist) for the story. In The Story Cone Method, we refer to this as a Hidden Role.

How Emma. Excelled at Female Representation

How Emma. Excelled at Female Representation

Emma. (2020) is a brightly colored treat in a world that desperately needs more sunshine. The set, costume designs, and cinematography of the film have been praised across the board, as has the acting. While many critics have said that this version of Emma doesn’t bring anything new to Jane Austen’s story, I think Emma. offers new perspectives that other adaptations have not, with one of its biggest strengths found in its depiction of the female characters.