Editing Packages

1st Chapter Edit

A review to help you strengthen your first chapter (up to 25 pages/7,500 words) by evaluating your hooks, paragraphs, and overall chapter structure, as well as evaluating both story and writing craft elements. You will receive an editorial letter as well as in-document notes.

Outline Review & Plot Map Creation

Have the outline of your manuscript reviewed for feedback on strengths and weaknesses on the story’s structure. A timeline of your manuscript’s plot events will be created. Includes two 1-hour consultations.

50-Page Reader Assessment

An in-depth evaluation of the first 50 pages (up to 15,000 words) of the full manuscript and the synopsis (10-20 pages). You will receive an editorial letter giving feedback on the the 50 pages and plot outline, as well as in-document notes for the first 50 pages. This helps you get the same level of feedback at only a fraction of the cost, giving three key benefits:

1. Most authors reveal their writing mistakes within the first 50 pages, and then continue to repeat those mistakes throughout the manuscript. You will receive feedback about the why behind any weakness that are present that you can then apply to the full manuscript.
2. Statistics have shown that there is a 91% chance of failure for a story if the first 50 pages don’t fulfill their purpose. This is because the first 50 pages set up subconscious expectations for the reader that have to be fulfilled. This deeper structure is key to the success of any story, and these insights are something only our unique insights can provide.
3. Reviewing the full synopsis will help the story analyst understand the full plot and make sure the feedback is complete.

This edit comes with 1 hour of consultation time where we can further develop the story and have your questions answered.

Reader Report

A full read-through of your manuscript to provide overview feedback on plot, character, and setting to determine glaring issues with the text. You will receive an editorial letter that gives an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, reading suggestions and/or handouts, 1 hour of consultation time.

Developmental Edit

An in-depth manuscript evaluation that details the strength and weakness of the manuscript with suggestions for improvement. Solutions are given where able and often come out during consultation time. This is a major reconstruction of your book to help clarify concepts, improve your characterization, develop plot and pacing, and elevate the overall craft of the writing. You will receive an editorial letter (at least 20 pages long) detailing all aspects of your manuscript, in-document notes, 2 hours of consultation time.

Full Line Edit

This edit focuses on sentence structure and other details at the line level, elevating the overall prose of the manuscript. This includes a light copy edit and is presented as in-document notes.

Individual Services and Add-On Packages


Reserve meeting time with one of our analysts to discuss anything about your project. It is your time that you may use however you’d like. You can use your consultation to brainstorm ideas, create a pre-draft outline or storyboard, discuss feedback on an edit, or receive insight about marketing. You may add consultation time to any edit or purchase as a stand-alone service.

Brainstorm WIP:

This is a focused consultation specifically to meet with an analyst to brainstorm your work in progress. It begins with two 1-hour consultations and you may add additional consultation time as needed.

Add-On Line Edit:

Add a line edit to any service to receive in-depth feedback on your prose of the first 50 pages of your manuscript. This includes a light copy edit.

Add-On Ending Review:

You can add this review to the 50-Page Reader Assessment to include the last 50 pages of the manuscript in the edit. This service allows the analyst to give feedback on the climax, hero moment, and denouement of the story.

Add-On Feedback On Each Chapter:

This add on is a review of each chapter to your developmental edit to get in-depth feedback at the scene level. It includes notes on plot moves, character moments, as well as scene beginnings and endings. An additional fee will be added on for manuscripts over 125,000 words. The manuscript must be at a necessary level for this feedback, as determined by the editor.

Add-on Comparison Titles:

With this add on, you will get a list of 20 comparison titles specific to your story, as well as a brief overview of these comparisons.

Add-On Emotional Resonance:

This add on will have the emotional resonance and the emotion beats evaluated throughout the manuscript. This add on includes an Emotion Map to show the emotional peaks and valleys within the story.

Add-on Guiding the Reader:

With this add on, you will get in-depth feedback on hooks, plot twists, and the use of suspense and intrigue within the book. It includes a 2-hour class on guiding the reader. The manuscript must be at a necessary level for this feedback, as determined by the editor, and the client will also have additional preparatory materials they must provide for this level of evaluation.

Consultation time is to be scheduled by client and must fall within four months of End Date.
Consultation time is on a first come, first serve basis. Unused consultation time will not be compensated.

Ready to get started?
Hire one of our analysts!

Editing Packages Comparison Chart


50 Pg Reader Assessment
Reader Report
Developmental Edit


An evaluation of the first 50 pages and overarching plot

Overview of the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Manuscript

Detailed Analysis of Strengths & Weaknesses with Suggestions for Improvement

Editorial Letter

5-10 Pages

5-10 Pages

20+ Pages


1 Hour

1 Hour

2 Hours

In-Document Comments

First 50 Pages

First 25 Pages

Full Manuscript

List of Strengths & Weaknesses

Suggestions to Improve or Fix Weaknesses

Notes on the Final Polish at the Sentence Level

Orienting the Audience: The Beginning

Central Theme


50 Pg Reader Assessment
Reader Report
Developmental Edit

Genre and Sub-Genre

Identification of Target Audience

Premise & Story Question

Main Character Goal

Plot Holes Listed (in letter or in MS)*

Pacing & Stakes*

Deep Plot Structure*


50 Pg Reader Assessment
Reader Report
Developmental Edit

Characterization Overview



Secondary Characters*




50 Pg Reader Assessment
Reader Report
Developmental Edit



Supplemental Materials

50 Pg Reader Assessment
Reader Report
Developmental Edit

Bonus Material: Suggested Reading & Resources to Help Elevate Author Craft

Bonus Material: Handouts on Writing Craft to Help Author

*Feedback may only be given where applicable to manuscript.
Client may request in writing if they desire this feedback specifically, though feedback will only be given where possible.

Note: Supplemental materials are a bonus to the editing services provided and are not considered part of the service. Supplemental materials are intended for educational purposes only.

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