wielding the power of story
Story Analysis & Developmental Editing
Our Story Analysts have worked with storytellers in all fields, including books, theater, and film. We use our knowledge of how story interacts with the brain to help your story stand above the crowd. Strong stories actively compete and ultimately survive. Let us help you create the strongest story possible.

Who we are
As structural editors, our story analysis gives key insights into plot and character that you won’t find elsewhere. The deepest layer of a story is a complex algorithm where your brain is programmed to understand the inherent patterns found in the various different types of story. This foundation of empirical evidence combined with continued research into current movies, tv shows, books, theater, and market trends keeps us ahead of the curve within the storytelling market.
We offer you the key to story
Ever watch a movie, see a play, or read a book only to completely forget it weeks—or days—later?
Often this happens because the story didn’t enter the meaning-making cycle. Sometimes a story can be forgotten as soon the person leaves the theater. They can remember scenes, but they can’t tell you the basic plot of the story. If a story can’t be remembered, chances are it won’t be shared and stronger stories will take it’s place. Don’t let this happen to your story.

There are two ways a story can be forgotten: either on a conscious or subconscious level. The subconscious will reject the story if it doesn’t follow story patterns and enter into the brain’s meaning making cycle. The audience can also reject it based on personal opinions and tastes, which can be narrowed down into gateways. We understand both rejection points. We’ve spent years researching this complex algorithm for story to help you find the best solutions that are organic to your story.
Editing & Story Analysis Services